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Black Family Wrong Phrases That Make Us Laugh - ft an Irrational Regulus

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    You know, given just how truly and utterly entrenched the Black family is in Dark Magic, it really shouldn’t have been a surprise that Bellatrix turned out the way she did: mad as a hatter and as psychotic as a serial killer (which she eventually becomes, along with serial torturer, mind you). Then again, it really should’ve been obvious given the Black family’s status in the Sacred Twenty-Eight and their penchant for beheading their house-elves.

    That said, Bellatrix isn’t the only one who’s turned out batty and pretty violent – there’s a whole repertoire of family members! To name a few, you’ve got Walburga and her insane portrait, Sirius – siriusly, the man thought it was a good idea to lead Snape to Moony on the night of a full moon –  and the maddest of the lads but the one who’s most discreet about it: Regulus Arcturus Black.

    Now, you’d think that Regulus would be part of the sane part of the family, and for all we know, he could’ve been. But well, a not-unhinged Regulus wouldn’t really decide that it would be a good idea to sacrifice yourself to a mass of Inferi without telling anyone, right? Plus, it wasn’t exactly the best idea to join dear old Voldy, but hey, he redeemed himself.

    Anyway, since we’re as deprived of kind-of-unhinged-knife-lover-Regulus content as the Black family is of normal familial affection, here are some things we think Regulus definitely said/did at some point.

    At this point, Barty and Lucius have an ongoing bet about when Regulus will finally give in to his murderous urges. Actually, scratch that – the whole Black family’s in the betting pool, and Bellatrix is oh so proud of her darling cousin.

    Once again, Bellatrix is beaming like the proud cousin she is, Walburga is cackling because of her perfect son, Sirius knows he should berate him but is too amused to stop it, and Andromeda and Narcissa now understand the sheer amount of stress their mom went through when raising Bellatrix. Speaking of Druella, she and Cygnus are watching the entertainment from the doorway with the wine because they both know Narcissa is going to hog it when the night’s over.

    Narcissa adores Barty, really she does – and she’s got no reason not to if Regulus and Bellatrix’s delight is anything to go by – but Merlin, the idea of him getting punched is too amusing for its own good.

    Ah, yes, Sirius is really feeling the love here, Reggie. Yessiree, all the knives, poison, violent tendencies, murderous plots, and sarcastic sibling spite really make Sirius feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Really, the blade is too bloody warm – how’d Regulus even manage that?

    Welp, that’s about it for the probable instances of Regulus being a bit too much like his cousin – that we know of, at least. Let us know what sort of sadistically unhinged tendencies you think Regulus would have in the comments!

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    Author: Michelle Hanna

    Last Updated: 1703213403

    Views: 1745

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    Name: Michelle Hanna

    Birthday: 1910-06-22

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    Job: Web Designer

    Hobby: Role-Playing Games, Chess, Wildlife Photography, Skateboarding, Gardening, Baking, Surfing

    Introduction: My name is Michelle Hanna, I am a unswerving, intrepid, spirited, bold, enterprising, Open, welcoming person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.